Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes what personal information You may share with GeoAgri, as data holder and controller, and Users when activating and using the GeoAgri Services, how GeoAgri receives, collects and uses this data and how You may opt-out at any time, altogether preventing use of the data shared via the Services.


When you install and use the GeoAgri Application, or register on Website GeoAgri will collect process and retain personal information from You and any devices You may use in Your interaction with our Services. This information may include the following: geo-location, Your IP address, device ID or unique identifier, device manufacturer and type, operating system. GeoAgri may use the information collected from, and in connection with, all of our services to provide, maintain, and improve them or develop new ones, and to protect GeoAgri and its users. GeoAgri also uses this information to provide you with tailored content, such as search results and advertisements more relevant to You.


Where the User registers a user profile in the GeoAgri Apps and via SMS or inbound call verification confirms being the holder of a certain number, the information up-loaded to the profile section of the GeoAgri Apps will be received and stored by GeoAgri. Compulsory information when creating a profile page is the User’s name, phone number, email id and additional information regarding risk profile, investment profile, financial information, KYC that may be provided at the User’s option. GeoAgri may supplement the information provided or collected with information from third parties and add it to information provided by You. Please note that any content uploaded to and displayed in the user profile by the User is not moderated by GeoAgri. The User is solely liable for the publication of such content. Please see the Terms of Service for further Contact/User Information

Where the GeoAgri Apps are obtained from other sources than Apple App Store or Google Play, You may share the names, numbers and email addresses contained in Your device’s address book with GeoAgri. If you provide us with personal information about someone else, you confirm that they are aware that You have provided their data and that they consent to our processing of their data according to our Privacy Policy. Addresses, passwords and credit card numbers and any other similar information will automatically be prevented from being entered into the GeoAgri database. GeoAgri Services are not intended for or designed to attract anyone under the age of 18 and GeoAgri does not intentionally or knowingly collect personal information in the Services from anyone under that age.

Sharing & Usage of Information

We respect the privacy of clients/users/subscribers and take extra care in this regard to protect and will remain intact. You must consider following cases in which Contact information will be used: For Testing of application services, Client/user experience regarding our services, to enhance our customer services, Information about new service, Feedback from GeoAgri research team and its employees. Deliver SMSs or sending Emails or Calling for service/product related activity, maintenance report, new development, offering of schemes related to our services. For Third party services or associations with us. To fulfill KYC/Registration and related compliances.
* To complying with Government and regulatory requirement time to time.

Third Party Usage

GeoAgri may use Push Notification Services to notify you about up-dates and important information. In such cases, your phone number may be part of the notification. This message is sent to the push notification service provider, for delivery to your device. GeoAgri uses a third party partner company in order to send You or a third party you wish to contact SMS when you use the Services. In order to send you the SMS, we send the third party company your and the relevant third party’s phone numbers. This third party SMS partner is contractually obligated only to use these phone numbers for the transmission of requested SMS.

The submission of Contact Information by You and the processing thereof by GeoAgri is constitutionally protected under the applicable law, see the Terms of Service. GeoAgri may, however, disclose information contained in the Service and t you if we determine that for national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance that disclosure of information is necessary, always provided, of course, it is also lawful.

GeoAgri may from time to time ask you to provide information on your experiences from using the GeoAgri Services, which will be used to measure and improve quality. You are at no time under any obligation to provide any of such data. Any and all information which is voluntarily submitted in feedback forms or any surveys that you accept to take part in is used for the purposes of reviewing this feedback and improving the GeoAgri software, products and websites.

Cookies and Automatically Collected Information

The GeoAgri Website uses so called "Cookies" in connection with the Services. Cookies are pieces of information stored on your computer's hard drive and/or other device’s browser that enables GeoAgri to keep Your login session for thirty days. The use of Cookies is standard practice. Cookies do not enable any access to and/or inspection of other information on Your computer or other device. If You do not wish to receive cookies, or wish to be notified of when they are placed, You may set your web browser to do so, if your browser so permits. Please understand that if Cookies are turned off, You may not be able to obtain full functionality in certain parts of the Services.

The GeoAgri website and the GeoAgri App use Google Analytics, a web analytics solution by Google. Google Analytics also adds cookies to Your computer or mobile device

when You visit our website or interact with certain parts of the GeoAgri App and collects usage information to create statistics for GeoAgri. See Google's privacy policy for details.

GeoAgri servers may automatically collect data about Your Internet address when You use the GeoAgri Services. This information, known as an Internet Protocol address, or "IP Address", is a number that is automatically assigned to Your computer or other device by Your Internet service provider whenever You are on the Internet. When You request pages from the Services, our servers may log Your IP Address and, if applicable, Your domain name. Your IP Address is used to help identify You and to gather demographic information about our Users as a whole. GeoAgri’s servers may also record the referring page that linked you to GeoAgri the pages You visit on the Services; the web site you visit after GeoAgri’s web site; the ads you see and/or click on; other information about the type of Web browser, computer, platform, related software and settings you are using; any search terms You have entered on this web site or a referral site; and other Web usage activity and data logged by GeoAgri’s servers. GeoAgri uses this information for internal system administration, to help diagnose problems with servers, and to administer our Services. Such information may also be used to gather demographic information, such as country of origin and Internet Service Provider.

User Detail and Information Security

In order to provide the GeoAgri Services, GeoAgri may transfer, process and store personal data in a number of states. GeoAgri may also subcontract processing of Your information to third parties located in country or other than country. You acknowledge and agree that GeoAgri may transfer Your personal data as described above for purposes consistent with this Privacy Policy. We take all reasonable precaution to protect Your information, Contact Information and other Content from misuse, loss and unauthorized access. Although we cannot guarantee this information will not be subject to unauthorized access, GeoAgri has physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in place to protect it. The Information is stored on secured servers and protected by secured networks to which access is limited to a few authorized employees and personnel. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure Accuracy of Collected Information

GeoAgri may on its own initiative, or at your request, replenish, rectify or erase any incomplete, inaccurate or outdated information retained by GeoAgri in connection with the operation of the Services. You have always the right to know what information is stored about You and have any data corrected or deleted on Your request, which should be submitted in accordance with our contact details below. The accuracy and security of information concerning the Users and their contacts are GeoAgri’s highest priority and they are free to opt-in or opt-out of the Services at any time. You can disable Your account from the GeoAgri database via a request directly on mailing at [email protected]

Right to Change

GeoAgri may at any time with or without a separate notice change this Privacy Policy, and You are encouraged to review this Policy from time to time.If You have any additional questions about GeoAgri’s Terms of Service or Privacy Policy or want to make a request regarding certain information, You are encouraged to contact GeoAgri via email to [email protected] The accuracy and security of information concerning the Users and their contacts are GeoAgri’s highest priority and they are free to opt-in or opt-out of the Services at any time. You can disable Your account from the GeoAgri database via a request directly on mailing at [email protected]

Changes to this Privacy Policy

GeoAgri may at any time with or without a separate notice change this Privacy Policy, and You are encouraged to review this Policy from time to time. If You have any additional questions about GeoAgri’s Terms of Service or Privacy Policy or want to make a request regarding certain information, You are encouraged to contact GeoAgri via email to [email protected]